Deutsche Bahn lodged an application at the labour court in Frankfurt on Thursday in an attempt to force the drivers back to work. 德国联邦铁路公司(德国最大的铁路运输公司)在周四向法兰克福的劳动法庭提出申请,以期迫使罢工中的司机回到工作岗位上。
Statistics are hard to come by. But labour lawyers and court reports indicate that the number of employment disputes has soared, with sacked workers increasingly claiming back overtime. 统计数据很难获得,但劳动事务律师和法院的报告显示,劳资纠纷数量出现了激增,越来越多的被辞退员工要求获得之前的加班工资。
In the description about the Labour Court, the article will focus on analyzing how effective implemented the judicial protec-tion to the disadvantaged group of the community in the application of the Employment Equity Act. All this will effectively show the public effect of the Justice. 本文将着重分析劳动法院如何在司法实践过程中有效实施对于遭受歧视的弱势群体的司法保护,以向社会大众有效地发挥司法宣传效应。
As well as supervising it, Labour court also support CCMA. 劳动法院对委员会既有监督,也有支持。